Sunday, February 24, 2013
Thing #12 Google
I used the Google Calender. Here's a link to my calender:
I created a calender for the schedule of lessons and activities for each day for one week. It was very easy to create and I liked that it automatically saved it once I logged into my gmail account so I didn't have to remember to save it and it will always be there when I go to it if I want to go back and add more to it or delete some things. I can use this tool to create a schedule for my lesson plans to keep track of my lessons and it is all organized so I can keep up with it and know exactly what I will be doing each day. I can also it to put up important dates such as homework assignments and tests to remind the students of upcoming important dates so they can keep track of it and know what is coming up. It is also a way to keep parents informed of what their children are doing in the classroom and what is expected of them. It is a great tool to use and can be useful in education.
Thing #11 Finding Good Feeds
The methods of finding feeds that I found the easiest was going to google and just typing in what I was looking for. The search tool that was the easiest to use was the Google Blog Search because I could just type in what I wanted to search and the results came right up and it was easy to find. The technorati was easy to use too because I could just search the type of blog I was looking for and it came up several blogs related to what I was looking for. The one I found confusing was using the because I could not find what I was looking for when I typed in what I wanted to search. The kind of useful feeds I found were about parental involvement in education, technology in schools and curriculum and instruction in the classroom. The other tools I used to find newsfeeds were I went to and search for education newsfeeds and it came up with many directories and RSS Feeds in education that I could go through and find the kind of newsfeeds I was looking for. Google was the easiest way for me to find different feeds in education and is the way I will use to find different feeds that I am looking for on a particular topic.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Thing #10 RSS Readers
I like RSS Readers and newsreaders because you can search for any topic you want to and find many different articles and blogs that you can subscribe to and get updated information that you can check everyday. I also like that you don't have to just do a search on google for the blogs you want to find. You can just search for any blog at this one place. I think I can use this technology in my school to find blogs about education and to stay up-to-date with things changing in education. I can also use it to communicate and share ideas with other teachers and keep into contact with them. I can use it in my personal life to find blogs that I am interested in and subscribe to so I can read them everyday. Teachers can use RSS Readers and take advantage of this technology by they can search for any blogs related to education and get ideas about lesson plans and classroom decorations and other things in education and subscribe to them so they can check them everyday. They can also share their ideas on their blog and other teachers can easily find it and will have it to check everyday. It is a great way for teachers to share ideas for their classroom, get feedback from other teachers and keep in contact with them. It is also a great way for students to easily find their teacher's blog that the teacher can use so they can keep up with homework, important dates and get extra help on assignments and lessons if needed.
Thing #9 Image Generator

Saturday, February 2, 2013
Thing #8 Mashups
I created a mashup of books that students can read and posters to encourage them to read. I can use Flickr mashups in my classroom to upload encouraging posters and signs that students can view that will keep them encouraged and motivated to learn. I can also use it to upload models and examples of the lesson I am teaching so students will better understand it and can also see how it can apply to their own life. I think it's good to share photos online so other people can view them and use them. I think it's good also because other people can get ideas from them. For example, a teacher can upload a photo of a poster they have in their classroom that encourages students. Other teachers can view this poster and may decide that they want to put this poster in their classroom too or give them ideas for posters they want to put in their classrooms.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Thing #7 Flickr
I found this image that I liked:
I liked this photo because this is a great idea for something that I can put in my classroom so my students can have access to many types of books that they can read and dictionaries and thesauruses they can use for resources. I enjoyed using flickr and finding images. It was very easy to use and there were many different images available. I liked that you could search for any image and lots of different images came up. I will use flickr in my classroom to find images of models and other representations based on the lesson I am teaching that students can use to better understand the lesson. I have never used another photo hosting service besides flickr. I do not have any concerns about having my photos public because I just have to be careful what I put up there and I can make it private if I feel like I need to. Some of the photos I put up there people can use to get ideas for their classroom or lesson plans or anything else useful so I think some photos I upload should be allowed to be public so other people can view and/or use them. I think flickr is great way to share, view and upload images.
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