Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thing #22 LiveBinder

The titles of my binders are 6th grade short stories, 6th grade language arts lesson and 6th grade writing and grammar. Here is the link to my binder 6th grade short stories: I might use LiveBinders in the classroom to create lessons that I can use in my classroom. I might use it to put together short stories for the students to read in class and I can keep them all together and organized in one place. I can use it to put in different assignments and keep them organized and together so students will be less likely to lose them because they will all be organized in one place. I used my binder 6th grade short stories to put different stories together that 6th grade students can read in the classroom. I was able to search for different stories online and add them into my binder and keep them in one place and not have to search for them and keep them organized. LiveBinders makes it easy to organize lessons and keep everything in one place and not have to pull up different web pages or take up class time to search for them. It also saves time because students will have everything they need in one place and not have to go searching for each thing in the lesson and can spend more time on the lesson instead of trying to find everything they need.

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